Time for a “Reframe”

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Time for a “Reframe”

One of the most disturbing things about the impacts COVID-19 is having on people is the progressive destruction of whatever degree of trust and unity we once had in the community.

At the same time as the physical isolation and distancing requirements that are in force around the country mean that any type of physical closeness or even proximity to others is severely restricted, we are also being groomed by our governments to be suspicious of those around us. So at the same time we feel ever less-close to people around us, we are being encouraged not to trust them. Hardly a recipe for promoting our emotional wellbeing!

One approach to dealing with what is arguably unprecedented in any of our lifetimes (our leaders destroying the social fabric that binds us together nationally, at a State level and even in regional & rural areas), is just to accept it and take up the offer of “support” in its various forms. Unfortunately, all that this achieves is the perpetuation of the same victim mentality that they’d probably like us to take on. At least if we’re completely disunited, we won’t question their increasingly enforceful words and actions.

Another, however, it to take a step back and refuse to let their leadership destroy one of the things that I’ve always enjoyed about Australians – our friendliness and trust for one another. This doesn’t require any significant change in our lives – but simply a change in our outlooks.

If we want to live in a country where people feel comfortable talking to strangers, happy to ask for help and prepared to go out of their way to help others, then all we have to do is want that country more than the self-absorbed, distrusting and antisocial mob we risk becoming if we follow our leaders’ example. We need to stop plugging in to an endless blame-game and tirade of accusations made by our State leaders and start doing what comes naturally – extending the hand of friendship to people doing it tougher than we are.

Like everyone else, I’ve no idea what the once-great Australia will look like as we climb out of this mess, but I do know that it is up to every individual Australian to decide for themselves what kind of world they want to live in. One where we blame and accuse people for where they live, or one where we feel lucky to have avoided the misfortune that others have suffered. It’s always good to remember that we frequently only learn from adversity – and it’s extremely easy to be wise after the event.

Anyhow, I guess the very happy aspect of all this is that it doesn’t matter what the people running the joint do, rebuilding Australia into the future is actually up to every one of us as individuals, regardless of our age, gender or means. It’s a bit like a smile really – the greatest gift you can give – but one that can’t be bought or stolen – and has no value unless it’s truly intended!